Daimler Jaguar X300 X308 XJ40 16” 16x7J Diamond Turned Kiwi Alloy wheels x5 MMD6113BB

  • $350.00

Will be in stock after

Jaguar X300 X308 XJ40 16” 16x7J Kiwi Alloy wheels x5

Diamond Turned finish

x5 alloy wheels

No tyres. 

5x120.65 pcd




Excludes centre badges

fits XJS, X300, X308, XJ40. 

The wheels are straight, but there is some minor kerb damage as is often the case. 
No cracks, welds or buckles.

The Lacquer condition is poor, as usual for Diamond tithes Jaguar alloys. These will need refinishing to look good again. 
Or it could be used as a spare if cosmetics are not imperative.

Please see pictures for condition details.


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